Contact Us
Please fill out this form and a MainStreet staff member will get back to you. Allow up to 2 business days for a response. If you do not find your specific issue in the list below, search’s related areas or use Helios AI in the bottom corner to find answers to common questions.
You can also find answers to many common questions in our Mighty Network and with its powerful search tool.
Commission Questions: Payments, Tax forms, General questions
First, visit the Commissions tab of and review the content there, including the FAQ.
Next, for other questions about commission, W-9s and 1099s, payments, and any other financial/commission question, go to Brian: use
Client Booking Problems: After connecting with supplier support
First, use the “support” tab in the supplier page related to your question and get supplier assistance.
Complex or emotional client questions go to Kristen.
Group Bookings
First, review the “Booking Groups” resource and the “groups” tab in the supplier page related to your question. Next, for existing booking management, connect with the supplier’s groups team.
Questions about starting, running, managing groups and strategy go to
Supplier Accounts
First, visit supplier page of the supplier in question and review the “registration” and “log-in” tabs.
Next, for other questions about managing or resetting your account with a supplier, go to Therese.
Restarting/Growing: Training, Review, Help, and Strategy
If you are a new agent, are restarting, or want to increase your business with MainStreet Travel, please reach out to Alaina with questions. This includes many “getting started” or “how do I” questions and guidance for your first booking and more.
MainStreet Training: New Agent, Annual Refresher, Weekly Skills, etc
For questions related to MainStreet’s training curriculum and opportunities, including suggestions, reach out to
BDM Questions: Complex questions about or for a supplier
To connect with a BDM for strategies or complex questions, go to Kristen.
Travel Agent Benefits Questions
First, visit the “benefits” tab in the supplier page for the supplier you’re asking about.
For questions about how to be approved for your CLIA or IATA membership and claim a benefit, go to the CLIA or IATA supplier pages.
Next, for questions about how to use, manage, or troubleshoot a benefit, reach out to Kristen.
Travel+ CRM Question: Functions, Account Management
For “how to” questions, first review the tutorials.
Questions about using the existing Travel+ CRM, including complex “how to” questions and changing account details like email or password, go to
Travel+ CRM Problem: Glitches, Maintenance
For “how to” questions, first review the tutorials.
Problems with the CRM, including glitches or necessary changes, go to Dean. Additionally, any suggestions for CRM improvement go to Dean.
FAM Questions
First, visit the FAM Trips page for information and registration.
For more complex questions or issues, contact Therese.
Social Media Marketing
First, visit Marketing page of and review the prompts and tips there.
Next, for other questions about marketing strategy, graphics, or ideas, go to Therese.
Technical Support
Problems with, including glitches or necessary changes, go to Dean. Additionally, any suggestions for website improvement go to Dean.
Legal Questions
Any questions regarding legal or agency-wide issues should go to Brian and Dean.