Supplier Training Updates and Links

Carnival Cruise Line Training

We’re getting so excited for our Social Media and Marketing training with Carnival! The button below is the link to register for the Carnival Training tomorrow.

Thursday, 3/21/24 @ 1:00pm CST

You must register in order to attend. This training will be recorded and available for replay as soon as we receive it back from our rep! Please let us know if you have any questions! See you there!

Classic Vacations Training Alert

Classic Vacations is a “new to us” supplier and will be leading an intro training for MainStreet next week on 3/26! Please mark your calendars and use the link below to attend! This is an amazing resource for all-inclusive vacations! If you have not already, please request an account with Classic Vacations through the site. You’re not going to want to miss this!!

Tuesday, 3/26/24 @ 1:30PM CST

We can’t wait to see you there!!

Click here to join

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