
The following material is for agent use only. Remember that all marketing material should never be modified in anyway. This includes adding text or logos to them, cropping them, or using overlays. You must also use and titles or copy included. Posting locations should also be followed i.e. social media material should only be used on social media.

When posting content that is customer facing, proper nomenclature should always be used.

Mis-use of materials can lose the agent and/or agencies future access to them. If you aren’t sure about something please contact Therese at

Archive of #SocialMediaMonday

Please make sure you make these posts sound like you and try your best to use personal photos/videos as those make you more credible for your clients!

Oct 22nd

✏Client Review
-Have you had a client leave a review for you? Share it! I know it might feel funny or almost like you’re “gloating” but it really does build trust with potential clients when they see that others have used your services and were very happy!
📆 Trip Countdown
-Share your trip countdown! Post about all the things you plan on doing and/or seeing. Getting potential clients excited to follow along when you travel starts before you leave.
-Don’t ahve a countdown of your own? Share a clients countdown! Ex. “Only XX days until the *B* family is on their way to Mexico to check in for their all-inclusive stay at …..”
🛳 Current Quotes
-Share a recent quote! You don’t have to say who it was for, but especially if it was a great price let potential clients know how easy it is to book a vacation! Some people just might think it’s out of budget when it could easily be within their budget!
-There are SO many great promotions out right now! Don’t be afraid to talk up a certain brand! Check out the photo albums on our FB group to share a few first hand photos that go along with any promo you want to post about!
đŸ€·â€â™€ïžThis or That?
-Get in your stories and play some “This or That” with your followers! This is a great way to get some engagement and gear the questions toward your target audience. Ex: Relax by the pool or Relax by the ocean?, Disneyland or Walt Disney World?, Buffet or Signature Dining?

October 7th

🎠Share Your Favorite Souvenir
-Share your favorite souvenir from a trip with a story behind it! Clients love hearing personal stories of travel and why places mean something to you.
🏝Best Resort View Room You’ve Ever Had
-Share your favorite resort room view that you’ve had. Could you view the ocean? Were you watching sunsets/sunrises? Were you out in the open ocean on a cruise? Could you see a theme park? This is a great way to talk about the resort itself as well!
❓Guess The Destination
-This is a fun post for your stories! Post a picture and ask people to guess where this was taken. Posting on your page will also be good for interaction! Remember if people comment to respond to their comments. 🙂
đŸ„—Restaurant Recommendation
-I know we share dishes and snacks a lot, but go ahead and make a restaurant recommendation! Is there a place you eat every time you travel? A new place you tried that is now on your msut do list? What was your favorite place to eat at your last all-inclusive? Did you do a specialty restaurant on your last cruise? Clients LOVE first hand recommendations!
✈Is “X” Amount of Days Enough?
-Offer some free advice when it comes to travel. Do you have a lot of clients ask if 2 days is enough at WDW? Is a 3 day cruise worth it? Is 1 day at Universal Orlando enough time? Be honest, but also encourage clients it all depends on their travel goals and what they want out of their vacation. When you give free advice (not all your secrets) you build trust!

September 30th

Share Your Holiday Plans

-Let your clients/followers know what you’re up to this holiday season. Travel plans? Traditions you’re looking forward to? Encourage people to respond with their plans or what they would like to do!

Bucket List Trip

-Share what your “Bucket List” trip would be or list all the places/thing that are on top of the list. Ask everyone what theirs is! Mention how you’re here when they’re ready to see how easy it can be to make dreams a reality. (you can even make note of responses and if you see a deal pop up you can reach out and say I know you mentioned this destination and there’s this promo on it if you’d like more info)

Host a Poll

-Polls are perfect for “Stories”! This week host a poll asking which seats on a plane everyone would choose. Window, Middle, or Aisle? Don’t forget to share the results the next day!

Travel Essential(s)

-Let your clients/followers know what you can NOT travel without. If you have a video or picture of you using it-even better! If you have an amazon affiliate account don’t forget to share your links! Remember, when people trust you know what you’re talking about when it comes to traveling they’ll emember you when they start thinking about going somewhere. Offering free advice (not all your secrets) is a great way to build trust!

FAM Recap

-Did you attend the FAM at WDW this month? Don’t forget to recap your trip and share with your clients/followers. Again, they LOVE seeing you in the places they want to go. This builds trust that you really know what you’re talking about.


September 17th

-Current Promotions

Highlight the current supplier promotions! Want to book more cruises? Supplier promotions are readily available on their sites, their social medias, or in our newsletters. If you have them, please use personal pictures/videos so clients can see

-Share Feedback

Has a client left feedback fro their trip and your planning services? Share it!! Let others see that clients enjoy booking with you! Don’t have any feedback yet? Ask for it! “Hey friends! If I’ve ever planned a trip for you would you please take a moment to leave me some feedback for others to see?” (make it your own).

-The best thing I ate…

Go back to a recent trip where you can share “the best thing you ate”! People LOVE knowing about how the food is where they are going-or wanting to go. Why was it the best? How often do you think about it? Again, use your own personal pictures if you have them!

-Poll: Which School Break

Do You Prefer To Travel?Host a poll on instagram (with the poll sticker) and ask if people would rather travel for summer break, spring break, fall break or winter break? Polls are a great way too get interaction on your socials. The more interaction you get the more you show up on timelines and accounts!

-Would you rather?

Make up some crazy travel “Would You Rather” and use the “Ask a question” sticker for peoples answers. WYR lose your luggage at an all-inclusive or have it rain every single day? Things like that  Happy Posting!!

September 9th

☀Sample Itinerary
-share an example of a client itinerary you’ve done. You can also use yourself as a client – if you’ve traveled recently show what each day included. This can even be a recent quote that hasn’t booked yet. Anything to get viewers thinking about their next vacation!
☀This is your sign

This would make an EXCELLENT reel/tiktok! Use b-roll of a cruise, your kids at Disney, food at an all-inclusive, a picture of the sky from your flight
really anything travel related- and use the caption “This is your sign to
” and fill in the blank. “Book your next cruise”, “take your kids to Disney”, “plan your next getaway”.
☀Advantages of Using a Travel Agent
-sometimes viewers forget the benefits of why they should use you when traveling. Not only are my services included when you book with me, this is what “services” mean.
☀ BTS (behind the scenes)
-what does your “behind the scenes” look like? Do you have a desk where you work from? What’s on your agenda? How many cups are on your work station? Are your kids napping so it’s “quote time”?
☀What made you want to become a travel agent?
-Let your followers know why you love what you do! Was it a specific trip that it clicked for you? Did you see someone else and thought “I can do that!”? Were you already getting asked all the questions cause you were viewed as an “expert”?
August 27th
3ïžâƒŁ 3 things I wish I knew before

-Build trust with your clients by offering some free advice! These don’t have to be big things that you only tell clients but useful enough for someone to be grateful to know.
-Think back to when you experienced something for the first time. A cruise, a park, a resort, a restaurant on properties, going to an All-Inclusive, traveling internationally
try to stay in your niche. What are 3 things you wish you knew before you went?
-Although this is a great post- I challenge you to make this a reel/tiktok. Only put “3 things I wish I knew before(fill in the blank)” in the caption explain your 3 things and use keywords. TikTok and insta are now used more as search engines.
-if you’re making a video try using b-roll of whichever type of travel you’re offering advice on.
đŸ€—Reintroduce Yourself!
– if it’s been a minute since you’ve said hello to everyone post a picture (or a few) of you in your travel spots. Talk about the travel you love and what you have the best time booking. Mention how thankful you are that everyone is here and the support is amazing. “Thank you for thinking of me when you’re ready to plan your next trip!”
đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžThis or That?
– This is a great way to get people to interact with your account. Use the poll to ask “this or that”. Post side by side pics of various travel related things. Churros or Popcorn? All-Inclusive or Cruise? Mountains or Beach? Relax at the pool or Excursions? This can literally be anything you specialize in.
🔖Tag Someone Who..
-this is also great to get exposure with new people. You can make a post OR challenge yourself and make a reel/tiktok with some b-roll.
“Tag someone you want to share churros with” “Tag someone you want to watch the sunset with in Jamaica” “Tag someone who you want explore the Mediterranean with”
đŸ•”ïž2 Truths and a Lie
-“Let’s Play A Game” this can also be a post and have people comment which one they think is not true about you (or a specific place of travel). This can also be a great story video if you’re up to it. Again, try and use personal photos/videos so clients can see you!
August 19th
📆What’s your trip countdown?
Post your next trip countdown and talk about the things/experiences you’re most looking forward to. If you don’t have a countdown ask the question and get responses. You can use this as a post or make it “question” for people to answer in your stories. When someone responds give them a small piece of advice for their trip! (This can also open the door to the convo “I’d love to help you plan your next vacation! Have a great trip!)
đŸ’ȘđŸŒShow off a certificate!
Have you completed a training recently? Post your certifications so people can see you’re serious about your travel business and you know ow what you’re talking about! “With me as your TA you can relax knowing I’m certified in
✈What have your recent quotes looked like? This would be a fun story sequence to show off all the different destinations you can help with.
đŸïžWishing this was my view
Middle of the week can be draining so post one of your favorite vacation views to brighten everyone’s feed. “Ready for a different view? Let’s start planning!”
🎃🎄Holiday Travel
Those summer travels are coming to an end and clients are now thinking about the upcoming holidays. Start pushing now to get the end of the year full! “Give the gift of memories” “Experiences over gifts”

This is how you’re going to find your clients. While some may come easy, like friends and family, others may take some work. Let’s dive into what it takes to find clients and some of the proven ways agents have done so.

Social Media

This is the modern-day word-of-mouth. It’s free and anyone who has a good experience with you will do it. Start off by creating a Facebook Page or Group with your agency name. Choose some attractive photos for your headers and consider putting an image of yourself or logo as this makes it more personal.

Next you’ll want a great description of your services and a way for people to contact you. Facebook Messenger is a great way for them to do this. Next you’ll want to start off with an introduction post. Let people know who you are, why you love booking travel and some of your favorite destinations or experiences.

Now keep posting! Try and post as often as you can as this will imprint your agency into the minds of those who see them. Then when they’re looking to book a vacation they’ll think of you!

If you’re having trouble thinking of post ideas, you can use the Disney Travel Agent (DTA) emails that are sent out by Disney almost daily. Just copy and paste the text, edit out any mention of travel agent or client stuff, and use the image that came with it (just don’t modify it in anyway).

You should also think about creating an Instagram account or TikTok if you’re into videos. These are the hottest social media platforms right now.

Disney’s Marketing Guides – How to guides for Disney travel professionals.


Think outside the box for a minute and go beyond the internet. Going into and meeting with local businesses can net you
well, a lot of business! Think about dentists, orthodontics and even doctors offices. While they don’t have a ton of employees, they do have a TON of patients. Tell them about your business and work out a special offer for their patients who book with you. An example of this would be a $25 Disney Gift Card to anyone who books a package with you. It’s a win-win-win. Send the thank you gift card on the clients first day of travel as an e-gift for them to use at the parks.

Other businesses that do have a lot of employees love to offer them perks. Meet with the HR department and do the same gift idea as above. Any employee who books with you gets a Gift Card to use on their vacation.


Schools are a great place to find clients. Reach out to a school or school district and see if you can send some marketing flyers home with the kids or sponsor something for them. This has the potential to bring in hundreds of clients for you with little work up-front. Be sure to get approval first before sending anything!


Lastly, attend as many conventions as you can. It doesn’t matter the topic of it. Everyone recognizes the Disney brand and has some sort of connection to it. Offer free popcorn and hand out business cards. Maybe even do a drawing. If the convention accepts your request for a booth, go for it! It’s also a great way to meet other small business owners.


Use any of the images included here: for your agency including social media, marketing etc. These images may be modified.

Please remember that all images from Disney Travel Agent and Disney-owned websites are subject to copyright and cannot be used without permission. Emails from Disney Travel Agents may be used as promotional material including wording and images. You may not modify the images in anyway when using them.


You may have a ton of questions about copyright and Disney. Like any company, Disney wants to protect its name, image and brand in general. This means the use of them when marketing travel to clients or potential clients. It’s best not to use any image that’s owned by Disney in your marketing material or social media posts. Use our images above for things like that.

When choosing an agency name don’t use any Disney names or characters. Something like “Magical” is fine but something like “Mickey Vacations” or “Disney Vacations” is not okay. You can use these words in your posts but be aware of nomenclatures. This is the little R or TM symbols that come after a word that is trademarked. Be sure to mimic them when mentioning things like Disneyland¼ Resort in your marketing materials. We highly recommend you create a mini-Disney website to share with your clients as these have taken care of this for you.

Review your MainStreet Training

We go into even more detail on marketing in our MainStreet training. Here are some lessons you might find useful:

  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Six Business-Building Questions
  • Content and Copyright Overview
  • Social Media Marketing – Training
  • Social Media Marketing – Resources
  • Leads with a Google Business Listing
  • Leads with a Travel Leaders Network Profile
  • Finding NEW clients
  • Finding and Booking Big Groups

This offer is available to book as “Save Up to 25% on Rooms in Spring and Early Summer” on

First and foremost, remember to follow all the rules associated with ANY material. Disney watches for proper use of these. Second, the following always apply to any materials here:

  1. You cannot change or modify an image in any way. This includes cropping, adding text or adding other images. They must be displayed as is.

  2. Do not overlay any image or edit its structure (saturate it, soft glow, add a border).

  3. You can only post the materials where they are meant to be used per the categories below.

  4. Most material include approved copy and copyright instructions. These must be used with the material.

Facebook Material Only

Approved Copy: “Spread holiday magic this year by giving the best gift of the season: a Disney vacation. Whether it’s a birthday, graduation, retirement, honeymoon, or a family reunion – a Walt Disney WorldÂź Resort vacation is the ultimate gift to show you care.” ©Disney

Approved Copy: “Save Up to 25% on rooms at select Walt Disney WorldÂź Resort hotels for stays most Sunday-Thursday nights 1/9-2/24 and most nights 2/25-3/24.” ©Disney (This image can include a click-through action but the destination page must display the full terms and details of the offer found on the DTA website).

Approved Copy: “Get up to $200 per night on a Disney Dining Promo Card with a purchase of a non-discounted 4-Night, 4-Day or longer room and ticket package. For arrivals most nights 10/27–11/1, 11/25–11/29, 12/9–12/25/2023; and arrivals most Sun–Tues nights 1/9–3/5/2024. Learn More:” (insert link or make “Learn More” a link. Link must take guests to the full details and terms of the offer). ©Disney

Approved Copy: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year at Walt Disney WorldÂź Resort! Discover holiday sights, lights, tastes, shopping & more, starting Nov. 11.” ©Disney

PDF Flyers

Save 25% Promo Flyer

You may edit only the bottom part of the flyer where it says, “Insert Information Here” Include your agency name, logo, email and or phone only. No additional photos may be added.

Dining Promo

You may edit only the bottom part of the flyer where it says, “Insert Information Here” Include your agency name, logo, email and or phone only. No additional photos may be added.

Disneyland Resort is launching a new, limited-time kids’ special ticket offer for use early in the new year! Beginning Oct. 24, 2023, guests can purchase a child’s ticket (valid only for children ages 3-9) to a Disneyland Resort theme park for as low as $50 per child, per day with this kids’ special ticket offer. Guests will be able to choose from 1, 2 or 3-Day Park tickets, with upgrades such as Park Hopper tickets or Disney Genie+ service also available to add-on. These limited-time child tickets are a great value and will be valid for use between Jan. 8, 2024-March 10, 2024 (no blockout dates, subject to park reservation availability)*. Keep an eye on the Disney Travel Agents website on Oct. 24 for more information about this upcoming ticket offer, including marketing and other resources that will be available!

Beginning Oct. 11, 2023, guests purchasing or holding theme park tickets will be able to view the theme park reservation calendar and book visits out even further – for dates up to 180 days in advance! This will give guests have greater visibility into the theme park ticket options at a variety of price points on the calendar for the days they’d like to visit, including select days with tickets priced at $104 per day.

Marketing material will become available Oct. 24th so please check back then.

First and foremost, remember to follow all the rules associated with ANY material. Disney watches for proper use of these. Second, the following always apply to any materials here:

  1. You cannot change or modify an image in any way. This includes cropping, adding text or adding other images. They must be displayed as is.

  2. Do not overlay any image or edit its structure (saturate it, soft glow, add a border).

  3. You can only post the materials where they are meant to be used per the categories below.

  4. Most material include approved copy and copyright instructions. These must be used with the material.

Facebook Material Only

©Disney – Photo should only be used to promote The Holidays at DisneylandÂź Resort.

©Disney – Photo should only be used to promote for DisneylandÂź Resort. (Any click-throughs for this offer must go to a page that displays the full details and terms of the offer)

PDF Flyers

You can edit the footer of this flyer to include your agency name, logo, email and or phone number only. You cannot add additional photos or details of the offer. Do not crop or modify.

You can edit the footer of this flyer to include your agency name, logo, email and or phone number only. You cannot add additional photos or details of the offer. Do not crop or modify.

Universal Orlando Resort

Minion Land Adaptable Flyer

Universal Hollywood

Nintendo World Social Assets

Please use this link to access new assets. You’ll also need to enter password: SNWPartnerAssets


Note: there are three copy options. The first two copy blocks can be paired with all images. The last copy option (Mario Kart) can only be paired with the land key art and the Power-Up Band images.

Download the latest flyer for Royal Caribbean’s Star of the Seas Ship debuting Summer 2025 and share with your clients!